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Line Manager Mental Health Training

Line Manager Mental Health Training is an essential component of any organisation’s mental health strategy toolkit.

Our highly experienced workplace wellbeing consultants have expertly crafted the only 90-minute Mental Health in the Workplace training session your line managers need. We’ve created a course that will equip them with all the skills and knowledge they need to compassionately, efficiently, and effectively manage their teams’ mental health and stress levels.

This course’s driving goal is simple: to improve line managers’ ability and confidence to shape and deliver a successful, inclusive, and supportive strategy for managing workplace mental health.

Only 24% of managers have received formal training on managing their employee’s mental health

Line Manager Mental Health Training Course

Programme Objectives

Our Mental Health in the Workplace training course will teach your line managers:

  • An appreciation of the importance of managing workplace mental health and emotional wellbeing.
  • Current best practices for engaging and working with employees experiencing a mental health or stress-related wellbeing issue.
  • To become more attuned to the mental health and wellbeing factors that can affect your employees on a daily basis, acquiring practical, effective skills to monitor and signpost employees to support services.
  • The various internal and external support mechanisms that can be embedded into an effective health and wellbeing management strategy.

Topics Covered

At Thrive4Life, our mental health training for line managers is comprehensive, detailed, and covers a spectrum of topics that help line managers gain insight into and learn how to help colleagues encountering mental health difficulties. Our course focuses on:

  • Introducing mental health as a topic
  • The prevalence of mental ill-health cases at work
  • The legal obligations of employers regarding mental ill-health
  • The role of managers in managing employee mental health
  • The ‘business case’ for providing mental health and wellbeing courses (the cost and implications of presenteeism, absenteeism, staff turnover, and productivity)
  • Identifying the warning signs and symptoms of mental ill-health
  • Understanding stress and the importance of stress-management coping mechanisms
  • The ‘continuum model’, stigma, and self-stigma
  • Listening to and communicating with employees without judgement
  • Mental ill-health crisis management
  • Promoting awareness and conversations about mental health with staff
  • The role of Mental Health First Aiders (MHFAs)
  • Further Line Manager Mental Health Training to support the management of mental ill-health

Line Manager Mental Health Training is essential for helping you create a solid bedrock upon which you can build a company-specific health and wellbeing strategy that really works. And we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Enough talk, let's make something happen!

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